Spaying and neutering your pets is highly recommended to help control the population of unwanted pets and to make sure your your pets live a long and healthy life. This procedure can Prevent Unwwanted Behavior by your pets. Many unwelcomed dogs and cats, together with puppies and kittens, are euthanized each year in MO, and often these animals are not homeless strays, but the litters of beloved family pets. Sterilization through spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) is the only guaranteed way of Regulating Unwanted pet litters. Get your pet spayed or neutered by Thomas Veterinary Wentzville. Our experienced staff are experts at this procedure.
Cat neutering is highly recommeded to help control the population of wanted kittens and cats. Only a veterinary surgeon can properly and safely Perform Cat Neutering Surgery. Cat spaying is a surgical method that a veterinary surgeon can effectively and safely execute. We advise spaying and neutering your pet cat between 4-6 months of age. If you are not sure when to Neuter A Cat, please call Thomas Veterinary Wentzville and schedule an appointment today. Our experieced staff are experts at this procedure.
We do our very best to make sure every pet owner has access to spay/neuter services and preventive care for their pets. Thomas Veterinary Wentzville is staffed by licensed, professional veterinary technicians. When you call or visit a Thomas Veterinary Wentzville, one of our Caring Veterinary Technicians will explain to you how this procedure is performced and what to expect after the surgery.
Surgical sterilization for a pet invovles the Removal of Reproductive Organs under general anesthesia. Removing the pet's reproductive organs will not alter their nature, liveliness, or ability to learn. Surgical alternatives to the Traditional Spaying And Neutering exist and may be performed at specific facilities.
While there is some cost to having your pet sterilized, the long-term financial benefits far outweigh the cost of caring for a pet with a serious reproductive system ailment. Thomas Veterinary Wentzville in Wentzville can safely perform Effective Spaying And Neutering Surgeries on your pets. Please call us to schedule an appointment today.
When spay and neuter surgery is performed before dogs and cats are sexually mature, their overall health and well being will improve. You and your Pet Will Enjoy A Better Quality of Life. You can contact us at 866-983-4131 to schedule a complete pet exam. Our staff of experienced veterinarians will answer any questions you may have regarding this procedure.
If you are searching for a Low Cost, Spay And Neuter Clinic please call Thomas Veterinary. Find a trusted veterinarian at Thomas Veterinary Wentzville to perform this surgery on your pet. For low-cost Vet Services, including spaying and neutering, we are the best.